Rounded Rectangle: A JOURNEY TO AFRICA

Be the change you wish to see

Africa Mysterious, third world, first world, modern, hopeful, young, old, friendly, ancient, beautiful, dangerous, exciting, exotic, familiar, shining, needy, proud, wise,

Africa is all of those things to me. And after spending 8 weeks there I left wanting more.  This trip is unique to me.  It was my first time on a long trip alone, first crossing the equator, first in Africa, first extended volunteer time.  Some people have asked me if this was life-changing.  I hope so…  I hope what I learned seeps into my fiber and I carry this experience with me always.

3669  Timber Creek CT

Comstock Park, MI 49321


Phone: 616.784.6545


I have arraigned this event by my experiences.  All you need to do is click the green word in the caption below.  It will link to the event described.  There is no particular order or a need to see everything.  Simply enjoy it as it comes.  That is what I did...

The animals of Africa

The land of Africa

The faces of Africa

The Places of Africa

Take a two minute train ride.

See a movie

Read A journal