Rounded Rectangle: A JOURNEY TO AFRICA

Be the change you wish to see

Africa The movie

Trying to put a journey of almost 8 weeks into one movie is a tall order.  But I have managed to squeeze it into 20 minutes.  This movie includes an introduction,  Christel House Schools, the beautiful city of Cape Town, and my travels while there.  I have shown this to 4, 7th grade classes and no one died of boredom so you might take that as a recommendation.

You may either watch one of these movies or you may download them to your machine. All you need to do is click the green word in the caption below.  If you choose to download the file, right click it and save the target as… any name you wish.  Please keep in mind the quality of a video file doesn’t match a DVD.  DVD’s are available upon request.

Click here to watch a Windows media player fileAudio file

Click here to watch a Real Audio file

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